
The Islamic Republic of Iran must hear the voices of the Iranian People!

Uprisings have spread across many cities in Iran following the government’s decision to peak fuels prices in Iran.  Last week, the price is increased by at least 50%, as subsidies on petrol were reduced.

The ineffective policies of the Islamic Republic Iran (IRI), the crippling sanctions of the Trump Administration and the reduction in oil sales revenue as well as mismanagement and rampant corruption, have led the government to a staggering budget deficit.

What began as a simple protest to this decision has now targeted the very top of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), the unelected supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

People have come to the realization that they have to come out into the streets to make their voices heard and shout their demands.

We, the four Republican political parties and organizations, support the people's protest against the rise in gas prices and strongly condemn the suppression of the protests

We warn the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran, no totalitarian regime has survived with guns and bullets.  They may survive a few months or years but history has shown that sooner rather than later their end will come.

We urge the demonstrators to refrain from violence and continue their campaigns in a civil and peaceful manner.

The use of violence is desired by the rulers to justify the repression. We believe that the management of the country's current problems requires a fundamental structural political change and the cessation of aggresive foreign policy and regional adventures.

Executive-Political Board of the:

United Republicans of Iran

Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Iran National Front – Organizations Abroad

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran


November 17, 2019

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