
USRHR Letter to Chinese Ambassador to the United States



To:                      Cui Tiankai, Chinese Ambassador to the United States

From:                Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran

Subject:             25-Year Agreement with Iran

Date:                  July 10, 2020


Unofficial yet reliable sources are reporting that the administrations of Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran have negotiated and are entering into a 25-year compressive agreement in the energy, industry, transportation, agriculture, communication infrastructure, education, science and especially military and intelligence fields.  It is also reported that: "Under this agreement, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran will have extensive military cooperation, in which Russia will play a key role."


Details of this agreement have not been disclosed by either party; nor has it been lobbied in the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran; it is henceforth lacking the consensus of the Iranian nation.


We, The Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran, condemn the secrecy of this intended agreement and declares it against the Interest of Iran and the Iranian People. It is also our view that this intended agreement will further jeopardize social, political, and economic stability in the Middle East; and will further intensify the unrest within the Middle East.


We believe this agreement is yet to be signed off; we therefore request the consideration of the Republic of China to call off these discussions and not to enter into such agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran.   We also declare if such non-democratic agreement is to be signed off, any future government in Iran, representing the will of Iranian people will find such agreement null and will proceed to withdrawal from it.

With Respect,

Mehdi Amini

International Relations Coordinator

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