
Another innocent person killed in Iran!


Another innocent person killed in Iran!


News was short and shocking. Navid Afkari, a professional wrestler, was executed on fabricated charge of killing a member of the Islamic para-military force.

Justice in the Islamic of Republic of Iran is cruel and barbaric.  Due process of law is non-existence. 

Despite all attempts to save his life including international Athletes, head of International Olympic Committee, human rights organization, his lawyer pleas to review his case and others he was executed on September 12, 2020. He was even denied to see his family for the last time.

Union for Secular Republic & Human Rights in Iran condemns this outrageous act and sends it condolence to his family and the sporting community. 

The Islamic Republic tried to defuse the pressure to overturn the verdict and review the case by resorting to the schematic methods of playing the confessions and staging the alleged murder. Navid Afkari was a victim of the usual cases of the judiciary of the Islamic Republic and its interrogators.

According to his lawyer, there was “not the slightest evidence to prove his guilt, except for confessions obtained under torture.”

We urge the international community to join us and ask the foreign governments to recall their representatives in Iran in protest.

Union for Secular Republic & Human Rights in Iran

September 13, 2020

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