
Statement of Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran (USRHR) against the execution of Ahmad Jalali and Ruhollah Zam

Iran’s Supreme Court approval of the infamous death sentence of Ruhollah Zam, director of the Amad news website, has raised concerns that the political activist's life is in jeopardy.  Zam's activities and actions abroad not only did not deserve the death sentence, but also imprisoning him was a clear violation of human rights standards. The case, which began with kidnapping and deception in Iraq with clear disregard for international norms, continued with physical and psychological pressure, isolation in solitary confinement and lack of contact with lawyers and family, and televised interviews and repentance. Eventually, it led to a closed-door trial, a full-fledged political confrontation aimed at demonstrating the power of the Islamic Republic's security institutions and intimidating the opposition and critics.

Irrespective to the errors to the methods of Ruhollah Zam, the essence of his efforts in the fight against tyranny, corruption and discrimination and the strengthening of the political movement aimed at changing the Islamic Republic of Iran was in the right direction. He stands in the right side of history.

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran (USRHR) while strongly condemning the death sentence and the judicial procedure in the case of Ruhollah Zam, declares that preventing the execution of this cruel and unjust sentence requires extensive efforts and convergence of human rights defenders and freedom-loving activists.

The death penalty is rejected on its validity and absolutely in the present time, and the right to life of no human being should be taken away.  Iran has one of the worst executions record in the world, where some people are still sentenced to death for their political and social beliefs while the government uses the tools to take hostages and resolve disputes in foreign policy.

Dr. Ahmad Reza Jalali, a researcher of Iranian dual citizenship, is the latest example of the brutal actions of the Islamic Republic, which has violated his human rights by instilling the illusion of a conspiracy.

He has been in prison for more than three years. The conduct of the Islamic Republic and the coordination of the judiciary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs create a serious flaw in the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran has made his right to life a compromise to receive concessions and exchange government-affiliated prisoners in Western countries.

Therefore, USRHR warns against the execution of Dr. Jalali. In addition to the judiciary, the responsibility for anything that happens to both prisoners will fall on Javad Zarif, the foreign minister of the “moderate” government, who has justified the anti-justice and corrupt process in the judiciary.

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran (USRHR)

December 11, 2020

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