
Happy New Year 2021

Dear friends,

Year 2020 has been a tough year for the world specially the Iranian People.  Covid19 has wreaked havoc to the livelihood of the people work across the globe.  However, thanks to medical advancement a cure is coming that may help restore daily normal life to every one of us.

As we close this year in our life, our organization, the Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran wishes everyone a happy prosperous and peaceful 2021.

May the New Year bring families closer to each other, bring success for those struggling for peace, Justice and human rights and as Iranians bring a better future for every one of them.

Happy New Year

سال نو مبارک

Bonne Année.

¡ Feliz Año Nuevo!

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.

Buon anno.

Frohes Neues Jahr.

Gelukkig Nieuwjaar.

Gleðilegt nýtt ár.


Xin Nian Kuai Le

San Nin Fai Lok – (san knee fy lock)

Mutlu yıllar Czech – Sťastný nový rok

Godt nytår

Hyvää uutta vuotta

Godt nytt år

Szczesliwego Nowego Roku

Feliz Ano Novo


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