
Joint Statement on the Executions in Baluchistan, Iran

On Sunday, February 28, four prisoners, Jasem Heidari, Ali Khosraji, Hossein Silavi, and Nasser Khafajian, were executed in Sepidar Ahvaz Prison after a brief visit with their families.

The Islamic Republic of Iran had charged the four with terrorist operations and armed attacks on a police station in 2018. Three of them were also charged with membership in the Al-Tahrir Al-Ahwaz Front, while one was accused of carrying out an armed attack on a Basij base in 2019 and the killing of two Basijis.

The day before the execution, security forces contacted the prisoners' families and took them to Sepidar Prison to visit their imprisoned children. After the meeting, the security forces carried out the death sentence--without informing the family of it.

According to reports, the trial of this group, similar to past cases, was conducted in an unfair and closed manner, and was accompanied by torture. The issuance and execution of the sentence was done without observing the most basic human and legal rights of a defendant.

In addition, the treatment of families of political and ideological prisoners, primarily by pressuring them emotionally and psychologically, shows the hatred of the regime towards its political opponents and this group of prisoners.

The inmates of Sepidar Prison are said to be held in very inhumane and indescribable conditions, like most special prisons for political prisoners.

In Baluchistan, the scale of arrests and executions of political prisoners, who are subjected to the most severe torture, has intensified. Last month alone, 17 Baluchi political prisoners were executed.

The Islamic Republic is unable to respond to the most basic demands and needs of the people, to create jobs and income, and to provide health and education, (especially for compatriots living in the border) They try to intensify repression through force and intimidation to create an atmosphere of fear and panic, suppressing protests in favor of the rights of this group of our compatriots.

The National Front of Iran-Europe and the Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran condemn the regime's use of extrajudicial trials and interrogations, which involve confessions under torture. We have the following demands:

- Stop the inhumane method of confession via physical and mental pressure on political prisoners and prisoners of conscience. 

- A fair, public trial, even when prisoners are charged with criminal activities (according to the regime).

- Stop the inhumane behavior and political and emotional pressure on the families of political prisoners.

- Release of all political-ideological prisoners.

- The complete abolition of the death penalty for all prisoners, both political and non-political.

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran

National Front of Iran-Europe

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