
Letter to United Nations Human Rights Council

To:                       United Nations Human Rights Council

From:                  Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran

Subject:              Petition to defend Iranian People’s human rights and stop the killing in Iran

Date:                   November 15, 2022

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran’s Human Rights as defenders of the Iranian People demand for democracy and freedom, calls on the countries of the world to cooperate so that the UN Human Rights Council protect those who are rights have been violated in Iran.

The UN Human Rights Council has the duty to hold all those violating human rights accountable and put an end to the decades of gross human rights violations and heinous crimes and illegitimate violence committed by government oppressors against the defenseless people of Iran.

Murderers, torturers and violators of human rights in Iran are never subject to independent criminal investigations and continue to live and travel freely in Iran and even outside of Iran with impunity.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the violators of human rights in Iran are unfairly granted diplomatic and governmental immunity, and as a result, they remain immune from punishment and fair proceedings.

We call upon all international bodies, human rights organizations and NGOs to demand from the UN Human Rights Council to act and do what is mandated of them!

Mehdi Amini

Mehdi Amini

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran

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