
Urge the Islamic Republic of Iran to Stop Execution

Urge the Islamic Republic of Iran to Stop Execution

The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) in order to intimidate the Iranian People from protesting across Iran has begun executing protesters. A tool used often by totalitarian regimes in order to silence its critiques.

Following the execution of 23-year-old Mohsen Shekari on December 8, on December 12 a second protester, Majidreza Rahnavard, was hung on a crane in the city of Mashhad all without any due legal process.


The Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran condemns this belligerent violation of human rights by the IRI and asks all concerned citizens of the world to do everything in the power to stop the genocide of the Iranian People.

According to some reports, there are more protesters sentenced to death including Amir Nasr-Azadani, 26 a professional soccer player

The Iranian People need our support!  For nearly four months, they have protested peacefully chanting “Down with the Islamic Republic” and “death to Khamenei.”


If you are a governmental entity in contact with IRI, sustain all discussions with the regime until they stop all executions.  Recall your Ambassadors from Iran. 

If you are NGOs and human rights activist pressure your governments to terminate all negotiations except urging to commit to its international obligations for respect to Human Rights measures.   

The Iranian People need our support!  Don’t let another innocent person die!

December 14, 2022

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