
Letter to the Honorable members of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the suppression of protesters in Iran

Dear Mrs. Sara Hossain, and honourable colleagues, Mr. Shahin Sardar Ali and Mrs. Viviana Krstichevich


With greetings and respect,


“Hamgami” Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic in Iran comprised of five political parties and organizations appreciates your extensive research and  comprehensive report on the bloody suppression of peaceful protests during the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement and the institutional violation of the fundamental rights of the Iranian people by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Your valuable report contains important facts, some of which were mentioned for the first time in UN reports on human rights violations in Iran. 


We find your action in confirming facts such as the responsibility of the Islamic Republic in the murder of Mahsa (Jina) Amini, naming Ali Khameinei, the leader of the Islamic Republic and the commanders of th IRGC among those accused of comittiing "crimes against humanity" and of widespread and organized attacks on protesting people of Iran praisworthy.


The conclusion of your report regarding the repression and government-directed killing of hundreds of people, including dozens of children, widespread arrests and sexual assault of some detainees, reflects the  historical problem and pain that has victimized different generations of the Iranian people.


Observing the facts shows that during these 45 years, the Islamic Republic has systematically violated women's rights due to its ideological and reactionary goals, imposing compulsory hijab and enforcing gender apartheid with force, deprivation, imprisonment and killing.  Needless to say they have been forced to retreat in some areas due to the resistance of the brave women of Iran and their continuous struggles.


At present the civil society in Iran and other members of the society face a challenging situation. The repression by the government has reached a new hight.  So far, a number of prisoners of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement have been executed and others have been sentenced to death.


At a time when the theocratical regime is using all means of repression through harsh security control, deception, killing and intimidation for its survival and is not accountable to international institutions, it is necessary that the United Nations and all its bodies condemn this criminal regime, so that it knows that the international community en especially the United nations is not indifferent to its crimes.


Dear Ms. Sara Hossein, "Hamgami" requests you to present a suitable and transparent draft resolution condemning the leaders of the Islamic Republic in the United Nations Human Rights Council based on the report of the fact-finding committee.  We are confident that such an action will be welcomed and appreciated by the oppressed people of Iran, especially the women of Iran, who have been under the rule of coercion and sexual apartheid of the Islamic Republic for 45 years.


“Hamgami” Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic in Iran


United Republicans of Iran

National Front of Iran - Europe

Left party of Iran

National Front of Iran organizations abroad

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran


March 18, 2024

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