
Letter to Foreign Minister of Canada

To:                 The Honorable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada

From:             Mehdi Amini, International Relations Coordinator

Subject:         Human Rights in Iran

Date:              November 27, 2018

The Honorable Ms. Freeland,

On behalf of the Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran, I like to thank you for sponsoring the resolution on the situation of human rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) to the United Nations which was passed by eighty five member states. 

We believe these actions are positive pressure on the Government of Iran to hopefully come to its senses in respect to the citizens of Iran.

Certainly we are not in a position to dictate to you on how to deal with Iran but we ask of you as your nation’s representative that deals with foreign affairs to continue pressuring the Islamic Republic of Iran to respect the rights of the Iranian people for their basic rights as mandated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which Iran is a signatory.

We have mutual understanding of human rights condition in Iran.  Unfortunately under President Rouhani’s administration human rights has not taken a positive turn. Arbitrary arrests of dissidents continue and unfortunately there is no security for those that the regime considers a threat to its existence. Let us not forget the memory of professor and environmentalist Kavous Seyed-Emami who was killed in Iran. He was passionately concerned about the environmental situation in Iran and unfortunately he is no longer with us.

Honorable Minister,

The Iranian civil and human rights society is very active and vibrant and they need our moral support more than ever.  I ask you upon your next travel to Iran request to see their representatives and hear them out.

Our representative in Canada is available to provide further information on what is happening in Iran today and we ask for a meeting with your aid to discuss them.


Mehdi Amini

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