
Synagogue Massacre in Pittsburgh

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran strongly condemns the vicious attack by a white racist on the innocent people in Tree of life synagogue while they were exercising freedom of religion.

This horrible act reminds us of the tragedy of the twentieth century when millions of innocent Jewish people were massacred by the Nazis and now we are witnessing once the rise of anti-Semitic in different forms by racist and extremist groups around the world. We are suffering from same pain that rooted in prejudice behavior of Iran government against religious minority; however, this motivates us to fight against any forms of hatred and religious discrimination.

Unfortunately, every day in different part of world people with different religion backgrounds are targeted by terrorists. Terrorism must be condemned and neutralized comprehensively without any exceptions.

On 29th of October, two days after this tragedy, the Iranian people celebrated birthday of King Cyrus who has issued the very first Declaration of Human Rights in the world over 2500 years ago. This Declaration has been scripted on a cylinder known as the Cyrus Cylinder, yet we are witnessing the provocative speeches of the highest political position in our country in favor of racism and divergence in American society has been influenced the rise of terror and act of hatred in USA.

We send our most sincere condolence and sympathy to all the families who were affected by this tragedy and Jewish community of Pittsburgh.

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran

November 1, 2018

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