
We condemn the call for a Military Strike on Iran

A broad coalition of Iranian thought leaders, including university professors, distinguished scholars, celebrated authors, political figures, human rights activists and champions of women's rights across a diverse ideological spectrum from left to right and from social democracy to liberal conservatism, unites behind this declaration. This worldly alliance embodies Iranians living both within Iran and abroad in countries like the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, Sweden, and the Netherlands.


The Islamic Republic of Iran has not only deprived the people of Iran of their freedom, but has also instilled policies that have fuelled tension and has launched proxy conflicts that have placed peace, security, and harmonious coexistence in our region at risk. Furthermore, it is due to these policies that the looming specter of war and devastation hovers over our nation.‌


The Israeli government’s de facto opposition to the two-state solution aside, the Islamic Republic has rejected the United Nations’ resolution advocating for a "two-state" solution as a viable means to address the longstanding crisis in the region. It has also provided military, political, and financial support to extremist and fundamentalist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. Consequently, it stands as a prominent obstacle to achieving peace in the region.


The policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran run counter to our national interests and stand in opposition to principles of freedom, democracy, peace, and harmonious coexistence. The people of Iran still bruised and haunted by the memories of the eight-year conflict with Iraq is vehemently against the regime's policies that foment regional tensions and contribute to proxy wars. They are demanding freedom, democracy, and peace, articulating their just aspirations through their freedom-loving movements. It appears that the world has also tuned in to hear the Iranian people voice which calls and advocates for freedom.


Two recent international awards signifies global recognition of the Iranian people's resolute fight for freedom, democracy, and peace. First, presenting this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Mrs. Narges Mohammadi in acknowledgment of her unwavering commitment to human rights and her role in the transformative "Woman, Life of Freedom" movement and acknowledgement of the committee that “hundreds of thousands of Iranians took part in peaceful protests against the authorities’ brutality and oppression of women” , and second, bestowing the European Union's Zakharov Award upon Mahsa Jina Amini and the "Woman, Life and Freedom" movement.


Nonetheless, certain extremist and militant factions, along with some politically opportunistic individuals, find their interests in advocating for a military assault on Iran, citing the Islamic Republic's support for extremist groups and the notion of "striking and cutting off the head of the snake." This stands in contrast to the efforts of peace-oriented entities and international figures, including the United Nations Secretary-General, who are actively working to terminate the conflict and avert further civilian casualties on both sides.


We, the undersigned, encompassing diverse intellectual and political orientations, wish to express our concerns regarding the detrimental and perilous outcomes associated with the positions held by certain Iranian and non-Iranian individuals, groups, and factions. They are actively attempting to extend the ongoing conflict to our nation by both direct and indirect advocacy for a military strike on Iran. We unequivocally denounce the hawkish stances taken by institutions like the "Union Against Nuclear Iran" (UANI)[1] and various individuals, interest groups, and movements that overtly or covertly endorse military actions against Iran.


Launching a military assault on Iran, regardless of the pretext or guise used, including in response to ongoing regional crises and conflicts, will result in the devastation of our nation. It will also severely undermine and jeopardize the Iranian people's fight for democracy and peace. Advocating for a military attack on Iran, whether directly or indirectly, represents a clear hostility towards peace and democracy. It demonstrates a disregard for the anguish and hardship experienced by the people and the destruction inflicted upon the country, and is far removed from true patriotism.


The transition from the oppressive rule of the Islamic Republic to a democratic system will be realized through struggle of the Iranian people, not through a military attack on Iran. Such an attack not only contributes to survival of the Islamic Republic but also represents a clear and grave threat to peace and democracy and would bring about a colossal wave of suffering and destruction to our nation.


We are against the tyranny and oppression of the people inside the country and the adventurous and tension-producing policies of the Islamic Republic and its proxy wars. However, we condemn the direct and indirect call for a military attack on Iran, under any guise and under any pretext.


We urge all Iranians to resist the attempts of opportunists who seek to link the Iranian people's quest for democracy, freedom, and peace with warmongering and call for a military attack on our nation.




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